Welcome! Read before beginning!

**Be sure to download the presentation slides below for easy note taking!**

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Welcome to the Basic cardiac rhythms video course! Just a few housekeeping items before we get started, to help you get the most out of the content provided here:

-We’re going to be covering the information most pertinent to basic ECG interpretation using the fewest words possible, through the use of visual graphics instead of wordy paragraphs.

-Topics are broken down into short digestible videos that are about 2-4 minutes long, categorized by rhythm origination site.

-Take special care to understand why a rhythm or dysrhythmia appears so. Try not to simply memorize waveform appearances. Every rhythm strip tells a story of what’s occurring on the cellular level.

-You’ll see a navigation bar on the left during the course. Modules will grey-out once completed but you can revisit these at any time.

-There are a ton of PDF handouts located below the video content. This includes a power point lecture outline that can be printed for quick note taking as we progress together. 

Learning single lead ECG interpretation can become daunting pretty quickly if we're not careful. We can easily find ourselves "in the weeds" if we list every exception to every concept presented. There will always be exceptions in the real world, to the concepts covered here. And so, to avoid confusion level 11 we're going to be presenting things from a very basic and introductory, single-lead rhythms perspective. Just know that exceptions can and do exist.

Unless otherwise noted or specified:

-The rhythm strips shown will be from the viewpoint of Limb Lead II (often the preferred, or primary rhythm lead)

-Paper speeds shown are 25 mm/sec

^^^If this describes your current approach, don’t worry! We’re going to make sense of all of the information that the ECG rhythm strip provides!

Wherever you are in the process, just know that you’re not the only one:

Beyond the basics: this section may be featured in select modules to provide more clarification, or a deeper dive into the topic presented. Be on the lookout for this below the videos presented.


Basic ECG slides notes 3RD Ed..pdf
Notice to Users.pdf
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